Social Commitment & Funding
Deaf5 - children's theater in sign and spoken language
Amongst others, we support the theatre group DEAF5, in which professional and amateur actors perform plays together. Some of them are deaf, others hearing impaired but some of them can also hear properly. The ensemble stages bilingual children's plays in sign language and spoken language. The group also offers workshops. Thanks to alpha-pack and other sponsors, a beautiful logo and a great website have already been created.

Donations instead of Gifts

Assuming social responsibility is self-evident for our company. As a result we inter alia support the Unicef-Project "Donations instead of Gifts".
"By donating we want to realize the construction of two entire primary schools in Rwanda. Thereby, 1.200 children will get the chance to attend to school, which will result in a better basis to escape the vicious circle of poverty and lacking education. All children have the right to education but in the sub-saharan african countries every third child has no access to schools."
Start helping: We will be gladly forwarding you all UNICEF contact details.
Sports sponsorship (Handball Club Cologne Kangaroos)

We stand behind our products - Therefore we gladly support the animals with the fanny pack!
In the sporting field we sponsor the Cologne Kangaroos who originate from the South of Cologne. We wish this sports club all the best for the current sporting season including many goals and as few injuries at match days as possible.
We hope they will reach their athletic goals and may ascent to a higher league.
As the club consistently searches for sponsors and players, a visit to their website is worthwhile.